In the Arms of Africa

 Press Release

In the Arms of Africa

In the News
Washington Post Book World Letter by R. Grinker The Buddhist Review
Ancestors: Colin Turnbull (a.k.a. Lobsong Rigdol) In an essay found on Colin Turnbull's computer following his death from AIDS in 1994, this internationally known author of The Forest People writes of becoming a Tibetan monk - and of the qualities of Buddha-nature that he had found years earlier among the Mbuti Pygmies of the eastern Congo. Introduction by Paul E. Brodwin and Roy Richard Grinker

New York Blade article written by Gerald Bartell, September 22, 2000

September 25, 2000: Roy Richard Grinker was interviewed by Kojo Nnamdi on Public Interest, WAMU NPR. Check the archives to hear the interview on RealAudio.

November 6, 2000: Roy Richard Grinker was interviewed on This Way Out. The interview is in the archives on PlanetOut's web site.


© 2000 Roy Richard Grinker