Jock Turnbull, Colin's father

 Press Release
In the Arms of Africa

Colin Turnbull with parents, 1947
Colin Turnbull with his parents, Oxford, 1947. His advisor at Oxford wrote:"Colin Turnbull is tall, fair, handsome, inconsequent, impulsive and elusive; all his screws are loose...real communication with him seems impossible. Perhaps one has to belong to one of the 'backward races' in order to get his wavelength."

Colin and brother Ian Turnbull with mother, Scotland, 1933
Colin Turnbull (middle), his brother Ian, and their mother, on vacation in Scotland, 1933. Courtesy of David Turnbull. Colin had a jeweled soul, a deep, almost melancholic consciousness of the riches that could be found in music, conservations, churches, and the Scottish countryside.

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